
Sports are my everything,,, This is my Journey,, oh and BTW, Hang it, display it or show it off with the Jersey Mount

by Nyden Kovatchev on Apr 08, 2021

Sports are my everything,,, This is my Journey,, oh and BTW, Hang it, display it or show it off with the Jersey Mount

Sports are everything to me. I love watching them in person or on tv, I love following players, teams and coaches throughout their careers and I enjoy what they are able to do, I love listening to podcasts, sport highlight shows, sport breakdown shows, sport prediction shows or interviews to get every possible perspective before and after a game or final whistle is blown. I love the wins, hate/love the losses. I love listening to arguments over sports and even more so when everyone is excited and on the same page. Sports are my culture, my upbringing, my history, my business and my future. Simply put I love sports and I know that I am not alone.

As an entrepreneur for the past 15 years, I had the opportunity or learning experience of launching 3 other businesses (some succeeded some not so much) before I fumbled my way into Sport Displays. Before starting I knew this business would be difficult. I knew this product may be tough to sell since jersey frames were popular and well known. I knew that starting any business is always tough. I knew that sports memorabilia and products are a 14 billion dollar a year industry with competition at every corner.

That being said, I also knew that I was a sport fan. A die hard. My people fill stadiums every opportunity they get, they fill couches on every game day and they stand outside stadiums waiting and watching during every playoff game. My people love all sports not just one. No matter the time of year or time of day, my people will track down a competitive sport and watch it. It is in our DNA, we are wired for competition. Desperate for that W and ready to bitch and complain when we get that L. My people love sports. We love all sports. We follow them all and support them all. That is why I decided to start Sport Displays and create the Jersey Mount. I wanted a product that was affordable, easy to install and looked amazing on the wall or ceiling. I wanted something that allowed me to access my favorite jersey on game day or interchange it if a different sport was being played. I wanted something that I could customize with logos, signatures, images, slogans and more. I wanted to create a perfect product for all sport fans. I wanted them to be able to decorate fan caves, game rooms, basements, offices, dorm rooms, kids rooms, garages and more. I wanted it to be simple, innovative and simply put awesome.

Since starting this journey, I have been to over 150 tradeshows throughout Canada, the US and even Europe. I have been able to meet and work with professional athletes and listen to all of their stories. I have had success and failure,, sometimes on the same day. It's been a hell of a ride so far and I am pumped for what is to come.

That's the story, that's the business, that's the product. Check us out sometime at Would love to work with you sometime.

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